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Episcopal Church of the Advent
19th Street Police Station
Towne Mansion at California and Taylor - Portals of the Past
Portals of the Past as they stand today at Lloyd Lake in Golden Gate Park
Camp in Golden Gate Park
Camp in Jefferson Park
City Hall
City Hall
City Hall
Corner of Fell & Franklin Streets
Corner of Pine & Front Streets
Dore Street from Bryant Street
Eddy and Market Streets-Emporium Building in Center
Geary Street & Grant Ave.
Hall of Justice on Kearny Street
Howard & 10th Streets
Howard Street between 17th and 18th
Larkin Street
Lick Bath House
Majestic Theater
Market & 6th Streets
Market & 11th Streets
Market Street Power House
Pine & Dupont Streets Looking East
Southeast Corner of Geary & Jones Streets-Location of Brinckmann Bros. Grocery Store
Solutheast Corner of Turk & Jones Streets
St. Ignatius Church on Van Ness Ave.
Sutter Street Power House
View from California Street on Nob Hill
Youths' Directory